How To Retrieve Mtn Lost Or Forgotten Transfer Pin

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How To Retrieve Mtn Lost Or Forgotten Transfer Pin

Do you want to transfer your mtn airtime to others but cannot do it because you have lost or forgotten your mtn transfer pin, there is good news for you.

Also see: Mtn Airtime Ussd Transfer Code

How do you know it is time to retrieve your pin? You will have to retrieve your pin when the following conversations takes place during transfer. They are; incorrect pin, pin invalid, you are not qualified to use this service, try again later, and please check the pin and try again. When you hear this, know that your pin is gone and you need to retrieve it before you can carry out share and sell transactions.


How To Retrieve Mtn Lost Or Forgotten Transfer PinHow To Retrieve Mtn Lost Or Forgotten Transfer Pin

The steps to retrieve mtn forgotten transfer pin are;

  • Go to message on your phone, select new message, type yes and send to 556.
  • The message will take few minutes to, therefore wait for response from the network provider. The response will come in this format, welcome top share and sell, your default pin is 0000, mtn recommends you reset your pin
  • With this simple steps, you retrieve your lost pin and reset to a new pin of your choice.

This code enables you to transfer airtime to any mobile network within Nigeria.

The mtn ussd transfer code is *600*recipients phone number*amount*your pin and # e.g *600*0806803830*200*1234#, this service comes with a minor charge.

When this happens, first time users will receive a text message from share and sell giving a default pin to change to their desired pin number.

All a first time user is required to do in respect of change of pin is , send an sms to 777 with the default pin and your newly generated pin number in the format below. Open message, select new message, type default pin, space new pin, space new pin, and send. And your new pin will be activated, thereby qualifying you to use mtn share and sell service.

If you want to stay updated on How To Retrieve Mtn Lost Or Forgotten Transfer Pin, kindly drop your email address in the comment section below and we will keep you updated.

NSN Team.


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