BABCOCK University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

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Gaining admission to university in Babcock is not as as difficult as you may believe. If you achieve a minimum score of 180 on the UTME, you meet all O Level criteria. In addition, you must pass the Babcock post-UTME examination. You have obtained the necessary UTME and O Level results; what’s next? Consider using our previous BABCOCK UNIVERSITY questions and answers after UTME. How can these previous questions assist you in attaining acceptance? You are prepared to learn.

BABCOCK University Post UTME Past Questions & Answers

Why you need BABCOCK University Post UTME Past Questions & Answers ?

The cutoff score for the UTME at Babcock University is 180. Literally, only applicants with a UTME score of 180 or more can register for Babcock Post-UTME. It is essential to note, however, that 180 is a standard UTME score. Admission to Babcock with a score of 180 depends completely on the number of students competing for the same spot and the applicant’s score that year.

In the current Babcock Post UTME screening exercise, a score of 180 does not guarantee admission, especially if you are performing poorly. Also, if you are interested in Babcock’s professional courses, you must have scored at least 200 on the most recent UTME exam. This is enough reason to hurry and get this past question as it will guide you on how to score high and gain admission into your choosen field of study.

Sample of BABCOCK University Post UTME Past Questions

There are fifty (50) questions comprising English Langauge, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Note, each subject expect Mathematics are of two groups A and B. Below are the questions
Post UTME Past Questions for the English Language

In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s)

1. Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the… (A) break out(B) break up (C) break-in (D) break into

Ans: C

2. After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before the sentence was passed (A) begged for mercy (B) made a plea for mitigation (C) made an ovation (D) made a plea for litigation

Ans: B

3. The officer was compelled to… the suspect’s car. (A)seize (B) cease (C) sieze (D) sease

Ans: A

4. If you are going to the market, may I… please? (A) follow you (B)come with you (C) come by you (D) come as your second

Ans: B

5. Thank you for the party, we really… (A) enjoyed ourselves (B)enjoyed (C) enjoyed very much (D) enjoyed too much.

Ans: B

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Do you know you can score high in your University or Polytechnic of your choice Post-UTME and gain admission if you start preparing now? The question is HOW? If you really want to know how then kindly drop your email address and your questions in the box below we will respond to you immediately.

NSN Team

SEE ALSO: Past Question for Unijos Post Utme

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