The Level 1 Housemates gathered in the Lounge following the conclusion of the HoH Challenge to give advice to the newly elected HoH Eloswag regarding potential eviction candidates. Biggie called Eloswag into the diary room to present his nominations after giving it some thought.
Biggie questioned Eloswag about his feelings following his HoH victory while they were in the diary room. He replied that while he was thrilled to have won HoH, he was upset by the necessity of nominating the Level 2 Housemates for potential eviction. The offer to nominate his fellow Level 1 Housemate was subsequently made by Biggie, but he declined. He then proceeded to nominate the subsequent Level 2 Housemates, providing a justification.
Chizzy: Eloswag said he was Nominating Chizzy because he took the competition between the Levels too personal and was getting angry at his Level mates for no reason.
Daniella: Eloswag’s reason for Nominating Daniella was that she was probably not happy being in the House without Khalid and was also a strong contender in the Arena Games.
Kess: Eloswag said Kess felt too relaxed hence the reason why he was Nominating him.
Modella: Eloswag told Biggie he was Nominating Modella because he wanted to test the strength of her fan base.
Pharmsavi: Eloswag’s reason for putting him up was that he had not been up for possible Eviction before.
When it was time to declare which among the housemates might be evicted. Before Biggie started calling the names of Housemates up for potential eviction, they were instructed to congregate in the lounge. Amaka made the sign of the cross when Biggie took a brief break, thinking he was through, but little did she know she would be next on the list. After Biggie finished, the Nominated Housemates parted ways with hugs and resumed their normal routines.
The fact that Modella is a Fake Housemate and Chizzy is a Rider who will remain until the very end means that they will not be eliminated this week.