UNIJOS Orientation Programme for 2022/2023 New Students

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UNIJOS Orientation Programme for 2022/2023 New Students

The University of Jos (UNIJOS) has announced the scheduled date for its Orientation programme for all the newly admitted candidates of the 2022/2023 academic session. The programme for the newly admitted students marks pivotal moment in their academic journey, signifying a new start for the institution. The Orientation programme is scheduled to hold on Tuesday, 26th March, 2024, at the Red Chambers, Faculty of Social Sciences. All the newly admitted, are advised to note of the scheduled date to ensure they don’t skip the programme for whatsoever reason.

UNIJOS Orientation Programme

This is to notify all the newly admitted students of the University of Jos (UNIJOS) that the management of the institution has announced that its Orientation programme for the 2022/2023 academic session will hold on Tuesday, 26th March, 2024. The event is meticulously designed to introduce you to the vibrant campus life, academic expectations, and the multitude of resources available to support your success at UNIJOS.

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What You Need to Know About the UNIJOS Orientation Programme

Scheduled for Tuesday, 26 March 2024, this essential programme kicks off at 10:00 am in the prestigious Red Chambers, Faculty of Social Sciences, Naraguta Campus. It’s a unique opportunity not just to learn about your new academic environment but also to connect with fellow students and faculty members.

Why Attendance Is Crucial

All newly admitted students, including those in 100 and 200 Level Direct Entry (DE), are strongly encouraged to participate. The orientation is not just a formal welcome; it’s an integral part of your educational journey, designed to equip you with all the information you need to navigate through your university life successfully.

Collaborative Effort for Maximum Participation

To ensure you can fully engage in this enriching experience, coordination with faculty leadership is underway. We urge you to communicate with the Dean of your Faculty to facilitate the release of students for the duration of this programme. Furthermore, the active participation of all Faculty Presidents is anticipated, highlighting the orientation’s significance to the university community.

What to Expect at the Orientation

This orientation programme is your gateway to understanding the academic rigour and the dynamic social scene of UNIJOS. It’s a day filled with informative sessions aimed at helping you transition smoothly into university life. You’ll discover the wealth of resources at your disposal, from academic support services to extracurricular engagement opportunities.

Benefits of Attending

  • Get Acquainted: Familiarise yourself with the campus, its culture, and the academic expectations.
  • Network and Connect: Meet your peers, seniors, and faculty members who will be part of your university journey.
  • Resource Awareness: Learn about the various support systems UNIJOS offers to facilitate your academic and personal growth.
In Summary

The University of Jos is eager to welcome you into its academic community. This orientation is the first step towards a rewarding and enriching university experience. Make sure to mark Tuesday, 26 March 2024, on your calendar and prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey of learning and discovery at UNIJOS.

Remember, your journey at the University of Jos is not just about academic excellence but also about personal growth, networking, and becoming a well-rounded individual ready to face the world. The orientation programme is the perfect starting point for this transformative journey. See you there!

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