Why I’m Proud to be addressed as a Farmer – Obasanjo

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Why I’m Proud to be addressed as a Farmer

The Nation reported that, The Former President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo on Saturday reiterated the place of agriculture as a vehicle for national economic and industrial development..

Obasanjo, who revealed that he took to farming as way of trying his hand on something different, said countries of the world that had made it to greatness did so through the force of agriculture.

The elder statesman said but for farming, everything else he had ventured into and achieved in life was by accident, stressing that he was always proud to be addressed as a farmer.

He stated this during a live radio interview with Segun Odegbami on Eagles 7 Sports 103.7 FM, Abeokuta where the veteran footballer asked him to speak about what he(Odegbami) deemed as his “romance with farming.”

Responding, Obasanjo said: “I don’t like the word you used ‘romance with farming.’ I am a farmer. What do you mean by romance? Everything I have done in my life is by accident. The only thing that is not accidental is farming. Every other thing that I’ve been to is by accident. And you called that romance? No! What do you mean by romance?

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