WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers 2024 Examination

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WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers 2024 Examination

Are you looking for WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers? if your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. The questions below are the WAEC past questions and answers that will help you in your 2024 WAEC Data Processing Questions.

WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers

WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers

The West African Examination Council is an examination body that set questions yearly from areas student should, after their studies in the senior secondary school, be able to write and pass without stress.

WAEC Timetable for May/June Examination

WAEC Data Processing Objectives and Essay Answers 2024

The questions below are the WAEC 2024 Data Processing Practice Questions. Go through them and be ready to score high in your WAEC 2024 Data Processing Examination.

The Objectives questions will be given to you to choose the right option, kindly check and read the questions well before attempting the questions.

1. The first generation computers made use of
A. low level programming language.
B. high level programming language.
C. object-oriented programming language.
D. procedural programming language.

2. Microprocessor was used as the main electronic component of the
A. first generation computers.
B. second generation Computers.
C. third generation computers.
D. fourth generation computers.

3. The act of producing information from figures, text or images is called data
A. collation.
B. conversion
C. preparation.
D. processing.

4. The following are primary sources of information except
A. questienaire
B. publication
C. observation
D. interview.

5. Which of the following factors is not considered when classifying computers?
A. Size
B. Type
C. Location
D. Purpose

6. Which of these channels would enable business transactions between a buyer from Nigeria and a seller from Ghana?
A. e-portal
B. e-library
C. e-commeree
D. podcasting

7. The ICT application which helps to resolve road congestion at junctions is
A. automatic teller machine.
B. automatic traffic marshal.
C. street light.
D. traffic light.

8. The main components of the central processing unit (CPU) of the computer are.
A. register and memory.
B. control unit and register.
C. control unit and At t
D. ALUartdBUS.

9. Stages in data processing cycle include the following except data
A. collation.
B. gathering.
C. parsing.
D. processing.

10. At what stage of information processing is data validation carried out?
A. Data analysis
B. Data collection
C. Data processing
D. Data summarization

11. The media which enable electromagnetic signals to be transmitted through free space is known as
A. unguided media.
B. intranet.
C. guided media.
D. ethemet.

12. Information that stimulates both the senses of hearing and sight is called
A. audio information.
B. audio-visual information.
C. video information.
D. visual information.

13. The following are advantages of networking except
A. spamming.
B. sharing of resources.
C. communication.
D. backup.

14. Which of the following devices would not transmit signals from one point to another?

A. Telephone line
B. Modem
C. Fibre optics
D. Coaxial cable

15. Another term for Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is
A. website address.
B. IP address
D. data link

WAEC Data Processing Questions 2024 Theory

WAEC Data Processing Past Questions for practice. Below are the repeated WAEC Data Processing Essay questions. Go through them and get prepared for the upcoming WAEC examination.

1. (a) (i) What is data model?
(ii) State three types of data model.

(b) (i) List three approaches to data modelling.
(ii) Explain any. one approach listed in l(b)(t).

2.(a) Vera, a secretary tonthe manager of her organization is saddled with the responsibility of typing a confidential report. She is also instructed to insert the word. “CONFIDENTIAL” diagonally in the background of every page of the report.

(i) State the most suitable application software needed by Vera to produce the report.
(ii) What feature of the application software can be used to insert the word “CONFIDENTIAL ” as instructed?
(iii) Mention one measure that can be taken to ensure the confidentiality of the soft copy of the report on the computer.

(b) Explain the following terms:
(i) icon
(ii) browser

3. (a) Outline the steps involved in printing the first five pages of a Word document from the print dialog box on a computer with two printers installed.

(b) Sadiq complained that a pop-up usually appears on the screen of his personal computer thereby disturbing him while using the computer.
(i) What is the possible cause of the pop-up?
(ii) State a possible source of the element causing the pop-up.
(iii) What measure would be necessary to stop the pop-up from reoccurring?

(c) Mr. Aneke is billed to address a large audience in an auditorium.
(i) What computer application package is suitable to prepare and deliver his speech?
(ii) State the output device that can be used to transmit Mr. Aneke’s speech note from his computer to a large screen in the auditorium.

(d) Give two types of computer network.

How to Pass WAEC Data Processing Examination

1. Have a Positive Mindset:

It is obvious that until your mindset is positive, your life will not be positive. As you prepare for WAEC, you must develop a positive mindset towards your fate.

Don’t say, “WAEC is very hard I don’t know whether I will pass” and don’t believe anyone that says you cannot pass 2024 WAEC Data Processing questions on your own.

Have the mentality, “If others passed WAEC Data Processing WAEC questions in the past, then I will be like them. Refuse to be identified with failure or those that failed in the past.

Even if this year’s WAEC Exam is not your first time, it doesn’t mean that you cannot pass WAEC 2024 Data Processing this time around.

Sit for WAEC Data Processing 2024/2025 with a refined mindset. Nothing will make you fail WAEC 2024. Until your mindset is positive, your life will not be positive.

2. Avoid Bad Companies

If you are really serious about passing WAEC 2024 Data Processing, try and avoid bad companies. They will discourage and engage you in activities that will not enhance your success. Remember that their mindset may not correspond to yours.

3. Set Good Target and Plans:

If you have made up your mind to pass WAEC Data Processing 2024, the next thing you should do is set targets. Write down the type of grades you want in WAEC 2024. If you want all As, zero Fs and Zero Es then you should start planning it now.

Make sure you create a timetable and master plan to achieve your set goals. Remember, it takes nothing to dream but it takes everything to focus on your dream.

4. Get WAEC Data Processing Recommended Textbooks 2024:

One of your plans should be getting the WAEC 2024 Data Processing recommended textbooks. Normally, the West African Examination Council recommends books for the examination.

But apart from WAEC 2024 Literature in English where certain novels are compulsory, you are free to use any good textbook to prepare for WAEC 2024 Data Processing exam.

Some topics are more difficult to understand. If you have any topic you are finding difficult to understand, then get another textbook that will make things simple for you.

5. Get WAEC Data Processing Past Question:

This is a very good plan. Since WAEC has the same standard, you could use the same past questions to study for its examination.

If you are confused about how to get WAEC Data Processing past questions. They are sold in good bookshops around. It is possible that the school where you registered could offer to give you some current past questions that will help you in WAEC 2024.

6. Start Preparing for WAEC Data Processing Question 2024:

Stop wasting your time. Now that you have gotten textbooks and past questions, the next thing is to begin your reading. Early reading and practice is good for you; you will pass well on WAEC 2024.

7. Avoid Skipping Examples and Exercises:

It is very unfortunate that Secondary school students are fond of skipping exercises and even examples while studying textbooks.

They loved notebooks so much that they could ask, “can I read my Data Processing, Biology, etc notebooks and pass WAEC 2024?”

Don’t be scared of attempting exercises; they are there to help you. Face it and overcome it!

8. Test Yourself on WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers

This is a good practice. Once in a while, answer full one year WAEC Data Processing past questions on your own without checking the answers. Then mark to see your score. This will help you in many aspects.

9. Do Constant Practice:

Don’t get discouraged when certain topics are annoying, keep on practicing until you master everything. Never give up.

10. Create Time for Recreation

Create time for yourself where you play and ease off stresses. Do not overwork yourself; it can make you waste time unnecessarily. One you work more than necessary, you are not gaining anything.

How to Get WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers

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If you have any question about WAEC Data Processing Question and Answers 2024, kindly let us know in the comment box.

NSN Team.

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