How to Score Above 300 in Post UTME Exams, 2025/2026
Some ‘Jambites’ as usually called in Nigeria struggle a lot to even score up to 200 in JAMB. This will make someone to wonder what there is about JAMB that is difficult. But thorough investigation will prove that a lot of students do not just not know just behind good grade in JAMB.
How to Score Above 300 in Post UTME Exams
The truth remains that everything has its rules and principles and failure to adhere to them breeds setback. JAMB is not altogether difficult as most students assume the only thing is that a students must be knowledge on how to pass JAMB.
Here are 10 Secrets on how to Score Above 300 in Post UTME Exams:
1. Set a Target for Yourself
Generally in life, to achieve a set goal, one must as a matter of necessity also set an achievable target that will guide him to achieve the said goal. The story is not utterly different in preparing for Post UTME Exams.
With determination, belief in oneself and intrinsic motivation, a set goal is easily achievable. The first suggestion is to believe in yourself that you can. You set questions for yourself daily and answer them. You must read with target. Set a high score as your target. This will help you stay focused.
2. Be Smart in Studying
Studying hard is good but studying smart is very good. While studying for JAMB, get a JAMB syllabus that will help guide your study. A close study will help you discover some topics that JAMB repeat often. Studying those likely to be repeated topics can do great magic. This is because, even if the topics are not repeat, there is usually similar questions.
Study patterns are peculiar to individuals and any attempt to emulate friends can result in a dull study. It is therefore advised that you know and adhere to your study style.
3. Study with JAMB past questions
You have to gather JAMB materials and learn how they set questions. Study JAMB past questions. You can even give yourself exams from there, answer and mark for yourself. This will help you to know your strength so as to improve where necessary.
4. Study with fellow Jambites
Group study is very important to anyone who wishes to pass JAMB excellently. This is because no one has the monopoly of knowledge and no one is an Island.
When we study with friends, colleagues or peers, we tend to learn a bit more than when were taught in the class room or when we’re learning alone.
This is because naturally, human nature likes competition and comparison and we seem not to very okay when our friends know much more than us and so, we usually strive to learn what the know and more to also better our chances. This works magically in preparing for JAMB.
I would also advise that you do the following:
- Have your own study timetable
- Minimize cramming, focus on understanding
- Start your preparation early.
We hope this information is helpful to you? if yes, kindly share with friends via the social media buttons below. Meanwhile if you have any question concerning this post kindly let us know immediately.
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