School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions and Answers PDF Download

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School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions and Answers PDF Download. Did you apply for admission into School of Nursing? Are you in need of School of Nursing Afikpo Past Question? This is where to download current School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions and Answers in PDF format. Our Compilation of School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions include those from previous years to the most recent ones.

So, if you are preparing to write the entrance exams of School of Nursing Afikpo, then we’ve got the past questions here for you.

School of Nursing Afikpo

Why you need School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions and Answers PDF Download

Past questions helps you understand which subject topic is the most frequently asked in the questions and the ones that are more important than others.

In doing so, you spend more time on the questions that are more important and give you more marks than others. This technique can help you if you have limited time to be time conscious.

This past questions helps you to be more relief for the exams as you will b e exposed to over 60% of the examination. Get the copy of the past questions.

Sample of School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions and Answers PDF Download

1. Which of the following represents an aromatic compound

(a ) CoH5oH

(b) CoH12

(c) CoHoOH

(d) CoH8

2. A compound contains 31.91% potassium, 28.93A chlorine and the rest oxygen. What is ‘tie chemical formular of the compound? 25cm of o.2moldm’3 solution of Na2CO3 requires 20ciii3 of a solution of HC1 for neutralization. The concentration of the CR1 solution is

a) 0.Smoldm3

(b) 0.(nnoldm3

(c) 0.2nioldm3

(d) 0.4moldm3

3. A gas X diffuses twice as fast as gas y under the same conditions. If the relative molecular mass of x is 28, calculate the relative molecular mass of y.

(a) 112

(b) 120

(c) 56

(d) 14.

4. Which of the following ion is acidic?

(a) K+

(b) N03

(c) S2

(d) H304

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NSN Team.

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