List of Agencies That Fight Human Trafficking in Nigeria

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List of Agencies That Fight Human Trafficking in Nigeria

Human trafficking is the act of obtaining individuals by coercion, fraud, or deception for the purpose of exploitation. It also includes the receiving of individuals. This crime, which happens everywhere in the world, can affect men, women, and kids of all ages and socioeconomic situations. To deceive and coerce their victims, traffickers frequently resort to violence, dishonest employment agencies, and funny promises of work and educational prospects.

 Fight Human Trafficking in Nigeria

Smugglers provide migrants with fake passports or visas and urge them to avoid being discovered by border-control authorities because victims find it difficult to obtain legal travel documents in such situations. Transporters, in turn, maintain the migratory process via various forms of conveyance, including land, air, and sea. Most victims are not aware that they are being recruited for a trafficking operation, even though they frequently leave their country of destination on their own. Many people are bought off with fake job offers, passports, or visas rather than being kidnapped or forced to do something. Only after they have delivered migrants to the accountable party in the destination country, transporters who helped traffic victims from the country of origin get paid.

Human trafficking is a crime in Nigeria that violates a person’s freedom of movement and exploits anyone, including children, young people, women, and the elderly. Human trafficking can take many different forms, but the following are the main types: forced labour, forced marriage, forced sex trafficking, forced labour, and child labour.

The Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Acts are the regulating laws that strive to abolish the harmful effects of human trafficking in Nigeria. The fight against human trafficking in Nigeria is being conducted by a number of agencies because Nigeria serves as a source, transit, and destination country for the crime.

List of agencies that fight human trafficking in Nigeria


The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) was given the duty of reducing the detrimental effects and activities of human trafficking in Nigeria with the introduction of the Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Act in 2003. To provide the NAPTIP more authority, the Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Act of 2015 has taken the place of the Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Act of 2003.

The NAPTIP has the authority to conduct investigations into people and places that may be engaged in human trafficking and other crimes, as well as the ability to detain and arrest offenders in accordance with the law. In order to conduct an investigation, NAPTIP also has the authority to locate, seize, and imprison any property involved in human trafficking. Along with monitoring, regulating, and coordinating efforts to combat human trafficking in Nigeria, the NAPTIP also provides rehabilitation, protection, and help to victims of the crime.


This non-profit organisation, founded in 1998, employs tactics to deter and combat human trafficking and other associated crimes in Nigeria. In order to combat child slavery, sexual assault, and human trafficking involving women and children, CAHTSEC uses tactics like advocacy, public education, the provision of technical assistance, rehabilitation of victims, and prosecution of offenders. It also works in conjunction with other relevant agencies.


This anti-human trafficking and pro-human rights group in Nigeria is committed to eradicating social problems like gender-based violence, human trafficking, irregular migration, and the neglect of Nigeria’s most vulnerable youths. In order to achieve its goals, this organisation employs advocacy, training of young children and girls, community projects, awareness campaigns, volunteering, and support to victims of human trafficking in Nigeria.


The Edo State Government established the Edi State Task Force Against Human Trafficking as a solution to the state’s problems with human trafficking and unauthorised immigration. The ETAHT’s main goals are to curtail human trafficking in Edo, assist victims and reintegrate them into society, and rehabilitate trafficking victims. In order to address the problem of human trafficking in Edo State, the Task Force also works with other agencies and groups that share its goals and objectives.


Management of migration in Nigeria is properly the responsibility of the Nigeria Immigration Service. The Nigeria Immigration Service’s contribution to the battle against human trafficking involves the use of methods designed to obtain the data and intelligence needed to address trafficking in Nigeria. Additionally, the Nigeria Immigration Service makes sure that the validity of passports is not jeopardised.


Miss Evon Benson Idahosa, the organization’s creator and executive director, is the mind behind Pathfinder Justice Initiative. The group works to end sexual slavery, stop sexual assault, and free women and girls who have been held captive. In order to stop the spread of the threat of these social aberrations from norms and regulations in Nigeria, the PJI works on eliminating root causes. The Pathfinders Justice Institute works to achieve predetermined goals of the prevention of sex slavery, sexual violence, and human trafficking offences in Nigeria. These goals are pursued with the help of core values such as compassion, accountability, inclusivity, provision of access to counselling, legal services, and vocational skills.


A health and development organisation called The Viable Knowledge Masters contributes to the battle against human trafficking in Nigeria by providing useful knowledge on baby factories and newborn trafficking in that country. Along with fighting human trafficking directly, VKM also expresses interest in financial management, maternity and child health, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, malaria, and maternal and child health.


The Women’s Consortium of Nigeria (WOCON), a non-governmental organisation tasked with carrying out duties like fighting gender-based violence and trafficking in women, youth, and children, was founded in 1995 by the late Chief Olateru Olagbegi. The WOCON is dedicated to achieving peace, progress, and equality in Nigeria by upholding women’s and children’s rights. The Women’s Consortium of Nigeria is interested in a number of issues, including women’s and children’s trafficking, violence against women, civic education and sensitization, child sexual exploitation, and education for women and children.


Mrs Amina Titi Atiku-Abubakar, the wife of the former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar, founded WOTCLEF in 1999. The WOTCLEF has been the foremost agency responsible for engaging in activities directed at eradicating women trafficking and child labour in Nigeria. The creation of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) was set in motion by the recommendation of WOTCLEF for the Federal Government to enact laws against human trafficking in Nigeria. The Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation have partnered with national and international or organizations in the fight against human trafficking in Nigeria. Victims of human trafficking and child labour are rehabilitated, empowered with relevant training, information and sensitization, and Re integrated into society.

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