Federal Ministry of Environment Recruitment 2022/2023 (6 Positions)

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Federal Ministry of Environment Recruitment 2022/2023 (6 Positions)

The Federal Republic of Nigeria, through the Department of Climate Change in the Federal Ministry of Environment, wishes to inform the entire public that applications from for suitable candidates who are in search of jobs are invited for the following positions below:

Federal Ministry of Environment

1.) Consultant –  Auditor for National Adaptation Plan (Project – GCF/UNEP)

Location: Nigeria
Type Of The Contract: Consultancy
Duration: 60 working days


  • DCC wishes to engage the services of an audit firm for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) project of the Federal Ministry of Environment and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The audit shall be carried out in accordance with the international audit standards issued by The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

Objectives and Scope of the Audit
Objectives and Scope of the Audit:

  • The objective is to audit the financial Statements of the Project and express an audit opinion on whether the financial statement of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) project reflects a true and fair view of the Project’s Accounts and whether in their opinion the grants agreements and GCF/UNEP terms and policies.
  • Federal Ministry of Environment wishes to stress the importance that the auditor as part of the assignment reviews that the financial statements have been produced in accordance with the terms stipulated in the grant agreement / UN policies.

Scope of the Audit:

  • The audit will be carried out in accordance with the International Auditing Standard and will include tests and verification procedures as the auditors deem necessary.
  • Verify whether all funds have been used in accordance with the established rules and regulations of GCF/UNEP and only for the purposes for which the funds were provided.
  • Goods, works and services have been procured in accordance with the established rules and procedures [reference to the grant agreement].
  • Appropriate supporting documents, records and books of accounts relating to all activities have been kept and that clear linkages exist between the books of accounts and the financial statements presented to UNEP.
  • The financial statements have been prepared by Federal Ministry of Environment in accordance with applicable accounting standards and give a true and fair view of the financial position of Federal Ministry of Environment and of its receipts and expenditures for the period ended on that date.
  • Carry out a physical verification of any significant assets purchased and confirm their existence and use for project purposes.
  • Whether the expenditure claimed through expenditures reported to
  • UNEP are properly approved, classified and supported by adequate documentation.
  • Comprehensive assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and overall internal control system to monitor expenditures and other financial transactions.
  • Express an opinion as to reasonableness of the financial statements in all material respects.
  • Include in their reports opinion on compliance with procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance of detecting misstatements due to errors or fraud that are material in the financial statements.
  • Conduct entry and exit meeting with the Senior Management of Federal Ministry of Environment.

Regulations for staff allowances:

  • Review whether Federal Ministry of Environment has regulations and set
  • amounts for staff allowances for travel, per diem or equivalent and whether
  • the regulations are approved by the relevant designated authority.
  • if there are regulations in place; review whether the regulations are implemented and that the expenses for allowances reported within the project follow the regulations (if no such costs are included in the project, this should be stated).
  • Review whether the allowances set by Federal Ministry of Environment and allowances included in the project are in line with general practice and cost levels within the country.

Regulations for Shared Costs:

  • Review whether Federal Ministry of Environment has regulations and
  • methods to divide shared costs for administration and salary costs between
  • projects/donors (applicable for staff costs and other administrative costs
  • when staff work on more than one project). if there are regulations / methods in place: review whether the shared costs budgeted and reported expenses
  • in the project follows these regulations/methods. Staff contracts and compliance with national regulations
  • Review whether staff included in the project have employment contracts with Federal Ministry of Environment.
  • Review whether costs for benefits and salary taxes within the project are in line with Federal Ministry of Environment general regulations and comply with the applicable tax legislation concerning taxes and social security fees.
  • If staff within the project also work on other projects: review whether the total hours or percentage of time allocated to each staff member is within that person’s available working hours.

The Reporting:

  • The report shall be signed by the responsible auditor (not just the audit firm) and title.

Independent Auditor’s Report:

  • The report from the auditor shall include an Independent Auditor’s Report in accordance with the format in audit standard and the auditor’s opinion shall be clearly stated. The financial report that was subject to the audit shall be attached to the Independent Auditor’s Report.
  • Management Letter
  • The reporting from the auditor shall also include a Management letter with audit findings and weaknesses identified during the audit process.
  • The auditor shall regardless of materiality, quantify the amount for costs lacking sufficient supporting documentation.
  • The auditor shall make recommendations to address the weaknesses identified and the recommendations shall be presented in priority order. If the auditor assesses that no findings or weaknesses have been identified during the audit that would result in a Management letter, an explanation of this assessment must be disclosed in the audit reporting.
  • Measures taken by the organization to address weaknesses identified in previous audits shall also be presented in the Management letter. This includes weaknesses identified in the prior project, if the Federal Ministry of Environment received funding from UNEP during [prior period / intervention]. Federal Ministry of Environment is responsible for making a Management Response to the auditor’s recommendations that include a time-bound action plan to those of the auditor’s recommendations that Federal Ministry of Environment plans to implement.


  • The audit firm should be registered and have a license from a national or regional professional Accountancy Body.
  • The firm should have relevant experience in accounting and auditing of development projects, especially donor-funded operations.
  • The key audit team will comprise, at least:
  • An Audit manager with at least 10 years’ experience in auditing and with a sound knowledge of donor-financed projects.
  • In addition, he/she should be a member of a recognized accountancy professional body (CA, CPA, ACCA);
  • A team leader with at least a Master’s Degree in Auditing / Accounting or equivalent with a minimum of 5 years’ experience in auditing and significant progress towards qualifying as a professional accountant, if not already qualified; and
  • An assistant auditor with adequate experience and professional qualifications.

2.) Consultant – Climate Change Scenario Development and Risk Assessment

Location: Nigeria
Duration: 180 working days
Type of the contract: Consultancy (Request for Proposals (RFP) From A Firm)

Project Objectives

  • The project entitled “Strengthening Nigeria’s Capacity to Advance the NAP Process” which was officially launched on the 2nd December 2021, will support multi-sectoral, medium to long term, adaptation planning and budgeting in Nigeria and promote the integration of climate change adaptation aspects into national and sub-national development planning processes and policies.
  • Systems for developing and sharing climate scenarios, risk and vulnerability information will be reinforced, and sustainable financing mechanisms for implementing climate change adaptation priority initiatives contained in the NAP will be developed.
  • The project will formulate the Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with a focus on long term adaptation investment and enhancing national capacity for integration of climate change adaptation in planning, budgeting and financial tracking processes.

Objective of the Assignment

  • The consultant’s main objectives are; Support the firm of International experts to develop downscaled climate projections (RCMs using national/regional temperatures and precipitation datasets) and scenarios assessments for the periods (2040–2060) at a planning scale resolution in seven States namely Benue, Plateau, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger and FCT Abuja.
  • Support in data collection for the development of an ecosystem-based risk and vulnerability assessments and identification of adaptation options for the six agro-ecological regions in Nigeria.

Working closely with the firm of international consultant team the national consultants will undertake tasks related to; data collecting, mobilizing stakeholders and organizing and facilitating workshops and technical work sessions with the International Consultants, contributing to the methodologies and frameworks elaborated by the ICs, contribute to the analysis and report writing and presenting of results and findings including recommendations. Specific tasks are detailed below:

Task 1:

  • Contribute to the development of a methodology for producing national climate change scenarios agreed with Government
  • Collate available historical national and State level climate records (e.g. temperatures, precipitation) and share with international consultant team to enable their digitization and use for downscaling of GCMs.
  • Support data collection and stakeholder consultation process to develop an institutional engagement plan (timeline, activities and budget) for developing a set of nationally owned climate change projections for the country and at State level for temperature, precipitation and extreme events, building on existing coordination mechanisms for climate change and finding ways to shore up the engagement by different ministries on climate change to date and consensus on the findings. The institutional plan should be aligned to the NAP institutional engagement plan for the country.
  • Support in the development of an approach paper that identifies the most cost-effective method of producing climate change projections relevant to the sub-national planning unit. The approach should be selected according to the best way to persuade policy makers and planners to mainstream climate change risks.

Task 2:

  • Support the firm of international consultant team to develop downscaled/area-based climate risk projections

Task 3:

  • Support the development of climate risk assessments at National and State level.
  • Gather information of climate impacts experienced in the country considering how ecosystem function and other socio-economic stressors affected the impact; Extreme event impacts should be assessed according to the level of return period for that climatic event.
  • Establish impacts evidence trend data and or expert opinion on impacts from climatic events in the country and in particular in the seven States.
  • In close collaboration with the international consultant team, develop analysis on climate change risks by evaluating changes in return periods and risks arising from climate change scenario analysis, based on expert knowledge and analogues of historic impacts and/or using future climate change scenario results in impact assessment models to assess risk at the local area level (e.g. at State level and lower) for risk indicators that are particularly important e.g soil erosion, heavy rainfall events and impacts on landslides. All causes – environmental, social and economic- of the impact should be considered as the basis for consideration of adaptation strategies that could be followed to mitigate the risk.
  • These climate risk assessments should add value to the existing stock of country information and build the capacity of national stakeholders to replicate the modelling and assessment in future planning exercises.
  • A vulnerability assessment should be included in the determination of climate risks. The task should consider the expected development pathways that can contribute to vulnerability, to be developed under the wider NAP project (not under this contract).
  • The consultants should extrapolate the validity of results to the rest of the country, with recommendations for future work.
  • Organize, facilitate and, present at stakeholder consultation workshops the draft national and seven State to validate assessment findings and recommendations.
  • Contribute to the analysis and report writing led by the international consultant team, and presenting of results

Task 1 Deliverables:

  • Collation of available historical national and State level climate records.
  • Reports of stakeholder consultations and meetings
  • Written contributions to the development of a methodology for producing national climate change scenarios relevant to the subnational planning unit.

Task 2 Deliverables:

  • Written contributions to the report on downscaled risk projection and scenarios for five ecological zones and 7 States (Benue, Plateau, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger & FCT Abuja)
  • Workshop report on half-day day capacity building virtual workshop for Department for Climate Change-invited stakeholders on climate change projections.
  • Written contributions to the report on downscaled/area-based climate risk projections led by the international consultant team.

Task 3 Deliverables:

    • Written contributions to climate risk assessment reports at national and seven States (8 reports)
    • Reports on stakeholder consultation workshops and technical meetings.

The successful National Consultant Team will have the following profile:

  • A professional team, with Post-Graduate level training and at least 5-years demonstrated work experience, that collectively cover the following disciplines:
  • Climate change modelling and climate risk assessments:
    • Hydrology
    • Socioeconomics
    • Adaptation planning and policy
    • Soil and water resource management, coastal zone management; agriculture; forestry Institutional capacity development in the natural resource management sectors.

3.) Consultant – Elaboration of a Climate Change Adaptation Planning Communication Strategy

Location: Nigeria
Type of the Contract: Individual Contract
Duration: 30 working days

Project Objectives

  • The objective of this project is to formulate the Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with a focus on long term adaptation investment and enhancing national capacity for integration of climate change adaptation in planning, budgeting and financial tracking processes.

Objective of the Assignment
Development of a dimate change communications strategy:

  • To improve awareness and understanding of the Government of Nigeria and general public on the NAP process through effective communication and education.
  • To build political and public support required for the successful development and implementation of the NAP.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work will comprise the following key activities:

  • Drawing on available information on climate change projections and impacts in Nigeria and taking into account the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines on NAP Process, and the draft NAP Nigeria stakeholders engagement strategy and NAP Road Map, prepare an inception report on conducting the assignment and generating a communication strategy.
    • This will include a methodology, draft table of contents, rationale objectives, audiences, key messages, media options and communication products, communication expertise/services required, and action plan and budget.
  • Identify target audiences (both internal and external including policy makers, ordinary men, women, youths, school children, people with disabilities, elderly in rural and urban settings etc.) for various communication activities
  • Develop clear and consistent communication messages that are gender transformative to the appropriate audiences and are aligned and/or consistent with the Nigeria National Climate Change Communication Strategy
  • Identify effective media (appropriate media channels, activities and products of communicating the messages to the various audiences as stated in the bullet above
  • Identify message carriers or messengers including various government and private media institutions, community media and others
  • Recommend communication products targeting different audiences and using appropriate media to be produced, including expertise and/ or services require to produce the communication products
  • Prepare an action plan and budget for implementing the NAP Communication Strategy
  • Develop appropriate mechanisms and tools for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and impacts of various communication activities
  • Facilitate broad stakeholder engagement in the development of the Communication strategy
  • Recommend a feedback mechanism for harnessing knowledge and information that can strengthen the implementation of the NAP and its future iterations.

The expected deliverables of the assignment are as follows:

  • Inception report outlining how the consultant will undertake the assignment
  • Draft NAP Communication Strategy which is clearly aligned and contributes to the achievement of strategic goals and objectives of the National Climate Change Communication Strategy
  • Report of the stakeholder consultative/review meeting of the draft Communication Strategy
  • Final NAP Communication Strategy
  • Report of a Stakeholder validation meeting of the Final NAP Communication Strategy

Academic Qualifications:

  • A post-graduate University Degree in Mass Communication or Public Relations, specializing in Development Communications, Environment Communication and/or Social Marketing
  • At least 10 years of experience in communications in the development sector, preferably working with donor-funded projects and project teams
  • Demonstrable communication products and editing, developmental editing, proof reading and copy-editing from past assignments that showcase experience in producing large projects
  • Familiarity with international development and climate adaptation
  • Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English is required.

4.) Consultant – Elaboration of Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan document

Location: Nigeria
Type Of The Contract: Individual Contract
Duration: 60 working days

Project Objectives

  • The objective of this project is to formulate the Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with a focus on long term adaptation investment and enhancing national capacity for integration of climate change adaptation in planning. budgeting and financial tracking processes.
  • The project intends to engage the services of a qualified consultant to submit technical and financial proposals to carry out the following consultancy services

Objective of the Assignment

  • The main objective of this consultancy is to prepare National Adaptation Plan (NAP) document for Nigeria based on assessments, studies and consultations done by the NAP project team, its national and international consultants and NAP key stakeholders

Under the direct supervision of the National Project Coordinator, and working in close coordination and collaboration with the Department of Climate Change, NAP team and its national and international consultants, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:
Task 1: Annotated Outline Development:

  • a. Review available NAP related documents and analyze their content with a view of informing the NAP document.
  • Develop an annotated outline and chapter plan of the Nigeria NAP document (drawing on UNFCCC template and current NAPs available On UNFCCC NAP Central website), and a methodology for compiling the NAP document including timeline as part of an inception report.
  • In consultation with NAP Team, identify information sources from available NAP related documents generated by the NAP project and other sources, as necessary, to inform the NAP document content.
  • Assess whether any information and analysis gaps exist and liaise with the NAP Team and NAP Working Teams to remedy any information and analysis gape.
  • Validate the annotated outline and chapter plan with NAP Team and key stakeholders (eg. Technical Working Group, etc.

Task 2: NAP Document Preparation:

  • Collect and review all studies and reports developed through different NAP related studies by the NAP team, the Executing Agency and its partners, in particular on the findings from the climate vulnerability and risk assessments (VRA): the economic appraisal of adaptation strategies and final selection; as well as recommendations from other policy and legal review studies carried out for the NAP
  • Work closely with national consultants on drafting the NAP document. Make work divisions in consultation with the NAP TEAM.
  • Compile the draft NAP document (together with NAP TEAM and national consultants) ready for wider stakeholder consultation, while ensuring a focus on the rationale for dimate change adaptation, priority actions for adaptation and means of implementation including integration across national development policy, planning, budgeting and monitoring processes
  • Propose methods and scope of consultations.
  • Present draft NAP document, in collaboration with lead national consultant and NAP TEAM, to key stakeholders.
  • Collate the feedback and comments received through the nationwide consultations and UNEP.
  • Develop final edited NAP document (together with the NAPTEAM and national consultants).
  • Develop one policy brief (6 pages max.) synthesizing the Nigeria’s NAP document for decision-makers


  • Inception report that outlines the NAP document, elaborates the methodology for this preparation, outputs and timeline.
  • Draft NAP document
  • Final NAP document
  • One Policy Brief (6 pages max) which synthesizes the NAP’s document for decision-makers.

Academic Qualifications

  • At least Master’s Degree (Preferably PhD) in an Environmental Science, Climate Change, Development Studies, Law, Public Policy or a closely related field


  • A minimum of 10 years relevant work experience at the international level in relation to climate change adaptation planning and policy, and integration of climate change into national development processes and sector policies and strategies.
  • At least two previous similar axlenments related to coordinatine and drafting national climate related policies and/or action plans or strategies, and associated implementation, financing and monitoring strategies, preferably in a developing country context and within the region
  • Demonstrated previous experience in leading and facilitating highlevel multi-stakeholder consultative processes to elaborate policies and programmes.
  • Demonstrated previous experience in leading programmes and projects related to ecosystem-based adaptation, climate change! natural resource management, and/or monitoring and reporting of environment, climate and/or development policies and plans.
  • Skills and experience to facilitate internet-based virtual meetings and stakeholder consultation processes
  • Demonstrated ability of canvasing the government and stakeholders on innovations and idea based on the climate change projections


  • Excellent written and oral communication skill in English is required.

5.) Consultant – Mainstreaming Priority Adaptation Options into national and subnational development plans and budgets, and sector policies, plans and budgets

Location: Nigeria

Location: Nigeria
Type of Contract: Individual Consultant
Duration: 180 working days

Project Objectives

  • The objective of this project is to formulate the Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with a focus on long term adaptation investment and enhancing national capacity for integration of climate change adaptation in planning, budgeting and financial tracking processes.

Objective of the Assignment

  • To elaborate strategies and action plans for mainstreaming NAP priority programmes and actions into national and subnational development plans andbudgets, and sector policies, plans and budgets to enable implementation of adaptation actions.
  • This will take forward the adaptation priority programmes and actions that are contained in the (draft) NAP document.

Task 1: Screen sector/level/sub-national level development plans and budgets against climate change risks:

  • Develop a screening methodology to identify climate change vulnerabilities and misalignment (where current investments contribute to vulnerability to climate change) in the current sector- based approach;
  • Screen sector-based plans and capital investments against the climate change risk assessments to identify the main areas of vulnerability and misalignment to the NAP priorities.
  • Review current sector policy and programme targets and spending plans and provide recommendations on it here modifications would be needed for alignment of the sector spending plan with the NAP priorities.
  • Present the findings to NAP working groups, log the concerns and agree on a work plan (set of actions and further studies) for further scoping of the issues and possible solutions with the ultimate aim of aligning adaptation actions into sector spending plans and targets;

Task 2: Develop sector-level/sub-national level adaptation strategies:

  • Develop thirteen sector-level adaptation strategies and action plans building on the evidence base developed for the NAP process (e.g. available studies and reports); the screening exercise carried out above, identified entry points, recommended targets with a set of recommendations for further work in contested areas of the sector- based spending plan;
  • Validate the sector-level adaptation strategies and action plans with the NAP working groups and finalize them based on feedback.
  • Prepare a draft proposal for NDA capacity building proposal and work plan to further scope the options for mainstreaming into sector plans and budgets in areas that are have not gained sufficient mainstreaming traction, paying due regard to what the information gaps are; who needs to be invoked in the process and planning cycle entry points that could be used as mainstreaming entry points.


  • An inception report setting out the methodology and work plan for the assignment;
  • A report containing the screening exercise and findings of thirteen sector plans, budgets and targets; and opportunities for integrating adaptation into national development plan and budget processes;
  • A report with recommendations on where modifications would be needed for alignment of the sector spending plan with the NAP priorities;
  • Minutes and workshop reports with the NAP lurking groups
  • Thirteen sector-based mainstreaming adaptation strategies and action plans;
  • Draft GCF readiness proposal(s) for further work to mainstreaming NAP priorities in to sector plans and budgets.

Academic Qualifications:The successful candidate will have the following profile:

  • A post-graduate Degree in either climate Change, Environmental Management, Public Policy, or related science or Social Science Degree.


  • At least 10 years of previous work experience in climate and environment policy making and planning related to adaptation and cross-sectorial policy and planning processes with national and sub- national government institutions and their partners (e.g. civil society, technical partners, private sector).
  • At least two similar assignments of supporting Government institutions to integrate climate change adaptation and/or environmental issue into national development plans, and /or sector policies, plans and budgets.
  • Previous work experience is required;
  • Excellent communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize documents and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports and documents.
  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high-ranking members of international, regional and national institutions.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required.

6.) Consultant – Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and National Adaptation Planning Process Road Map

Location: Nigeria

Type Of The Contract: Individual Contract
Duration: Task 1 – 30 working days
Task: 2 – 60 working days

Project Objectives

  • The objective of this project is to formulate the Nigeria’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with a focus on long term adaptation investment and enhancing national capacity for integration of climate change adaptation in planning, budgeting and financial tracking processes.
  • Effective Stakeholder Engagement enhances the transparency, accountability, integrity, effectiveness and sustainability of the National Adaptation Planning process by strengthening the implementation of the process and reducing risks.
  • Effective Stakeholder Engagement promotes country ownership by forging stronger partnerships, particularly with civil society, Indigenous Peoples, communities and the private sector, and by harnessing the knowledge, experience and capabilities of affected and interested individuals and groups.
  • Stakeholder engagement is critical to ensuring an effective flow of information, maximization of local expertise, added credibility and enhanced climate awareness.
  • Collaboration with key actors should include a broad constituency, including finance and technical experts, research organizations, civil society organizations, private sector, vulnerable populations and youth, minority and gender groups. This range of stakeholders are potential sources of: information and data for identifying gaps and constraints; expertise for innovative approaches and solutions; and partnerships to address market, technological, and risk barriers to entry for transformational investments.
  • The Department of climate change therefore wishes to engage the services of an experienced expert to develop Nigeria’s stakeholder engagement strategy.

Objective of the Assignment

  • To develop a stakeholder engagement strategy to promote the inclusive and meaningful participation of Stakeholders in the National Adaptation Planning process to improve the effectiveness and impact of the process and in accordance with its Roadmap.

Task 1: Mapping and Stakeholder Analysis:

  • Develop a mapping and stakeholder analysis of the stakeholder groups with power and interest in the NAP process. These should include stakeholder groups and individuals in the public and private sectors, at the national and sub-national level. For stakeholders with high power but low interest, design an engagement strategy that increases the interest and positive impact of the stakeholder/group; for stakeholders with high interest but low power, design an engagement strategy that increases the collective influence of the group.

Task 2: Develop stakeholder engagement strategy:

  • Develop the stakeholder engagement strategy. This should include:
    • The consultation schedule and details of how the findings will be fed into each of the four components of the NAP process;
    • Opportunities to participate in standing or planned national/sub-national events to promote the NAP process;
    • How the engagement strategy will interact with, and contribute to, the NAP communications strategy and the range of substantive activities planned during the NAP project work plan.
    • An analysis of the risks of disenfranchisement or lack of ownership of the NAP process on i) weakened progress and ii) weakened impact and how to avert or minimize those risks.
    • Recommendations for the institutional arrangements for the NAP process to minimize risks and to maximise the impact of the NAP process, which will inform the design of NAP road-map so that it captures all possible opportunities to make it effective and to minimize risks; Ensure that engagement of stakeholder is sensitive to gender issues and representation, social inclusiveness and considers vulnerable groups and/or communities.


  • A stakeholder engagement strategy and NAP road map to maximize impact and minimize risks, targeting specific c stakeholder groups and, if relevant, individuals with activities, timeline and budget.

Academic Qualifications:

  • At least Master’s Degree in an Environmental Science, Climate Change, Economics, Development Studies, Public Policy or a closely related field.


  • A minimum of 10 years’ relevant work experience at the international level in relation to climate change adaptation planning and policy, and integration of climate change into national development processes and sector policies and strategies.
  • At least two previous similar assignments related to preparing facilitating and elaborating stakeholder engagement strategies, preferably related to environmental planning processes.
  • Demonstrated previous experience in leading and facilitating high-level multi-stakeholder consultative processes.
  • Demonstrated previous work experience in programmes and projects related to ecosystem-based adaptation, climate change/natural resource management, and/or monitoring and reporting of environment, climate and/or development policies and plans.
  • Skills and experience to facilitate internet-based virtual meetings and stakeholder consultation processes.


  • Excellent English written and oral communication skills are required.

Application Closing Date
28th July, 2022.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit Five (5) copies of their Proposals (Technical & Financial) in separate sealed envelopes, with the title of the Consultancy clearly marked at the back of the sealed envelope, to:
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project Secretariat,
Department of Climate Change, Green Building,
Federal Ministry of Environment,
Plot 444, Aguiyi-Ironsi Street,
Maitama, Abuja.

Note: All enquiries should be directed to: gcfnapnigeria@gmail.com

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