Covenant University Admission List 2021/2022 (1st Batch) is Out
Covenant University admission list for the 2021/2022 academic session is out. Covenant University first batch admission list containing the names of candidates offered provisional admission into the university various first Degree programmes is now accessible online.
This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the Covenant University (CUSAS) 2021/2022 academic session post UTME screening exercise that the management of the institution has released the names of candidates offered provisional admission into its various undergraduate programmes.
Covenant University Admission List – 1st Batch.
The under-listed candidates have been offered Provisional Admission for Degree Programmes into Covenant University for the 2021/2022 Academic Session.
Covenant University First Batch Admission list.
Follow the link below in-case your device can’t display the document above (Note: You will however need a device that is capable of opening PDF files to access the list).
Successfully admitted candidates are advised to go to JAMB CAPS portal to ACCEPT or REJECT the offer — How to Reject/Accept Your Admission on JAMB CAPS.
Not Yet admitted? Note that the Admission List will be published in batches on the University’s website as they are processed. Candidates are therefore advised to keep on checking the university’s website for the Admission List.
Candidates who did not upload their result as at the time of their JAMB application (Awaiting Result) should do so immediately by visiting any Computer Based Test (CBT) Centre nearest to them to upload their O’Level results on JAMB website.
Congratulations to all the candidates that made it to Covenant University Admission Lists for the 2021/2022 academic session.