The winner of the Showmax job that the Housemates were given earlier today was the new Level 2 Housemate, Modella. They had three hours to develop an original series. They created the horror film Alakala with Modella on Daniella’s crew. She demonstrated acting prowess, which she credited to God after she won.
Amaka said something that made Kess angry as the Housemates returned to the house to get ready for their pool party. She claimed that individuals chosen as winners obtained their honours because they are withdrawn. She claims Biggie wants them to come out of their shells a little bit more.
Amaka formed such impression based on the winners’ list, but Kess disagreed. He questioned whether she was implying that Modella was undeserving of her honour. She claimed that Modella won because she was shy rather than because of her skills, which he found troubling.