Most Housemates were surprised by Hermes and Allysyn’s relationship because she had earlier said she could not be involved with him because he was involved in a polyamorous relationship.
He eventually won her over, but Allysyn is beginning to change her mind. She voiced her worries about their connection with Hermes last night; Allysyn thinks she stands to lose more. She said she had no issues with having an open relationship. She doesn’t believe they can have a relationship outside of the Level Up House, though.
Hermes confirmed Allysyn’s thoughts, giving her encouragement. She didn’t owe him her life, he said, and he simply wanted the best for her.
Allysyn is unwilling to spend time with Hermes outside the Big Brother Naija House because she is happy with their current arrangement. Do you believe Hermes has the charm to convince her to change her mind?