Sajo College of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

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Sajo College of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

Sajo College of Nursing is committed to delivering a nursing practical education that is accessible to all and presented in a student-friendly environment to inspire critical thinking, practical lifesaving methods, and a positive role in altering the global community. The Sajo College of Nursing entrance exams are just around the corner, and they are one of the most important elements in selecting students for admission.

We’ve diligently created a complete list of Sajo College of Nursing old questions and answers particularly for you. This study material is derived from their prior tests, making it an ideal material for this exam because the majority of the questions in this study material will be repeated either directly or indirectly.

The best method to pass any exam is to study with the correct material, which we’ve already made preparations for; all you need to do is get a copy of our study material and the rest will be history. The Sajo College of Nursing previous questions and answers span topics such as English usage, biology, chemistry, physics, and current events.

Samples of Sajo College of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

1. To determine the weight of an object, you could:
A. use a beam balance
B. use a spring balance
C. find the force necessary to give it a certain acceleration
D. use none or these methods.

2. The density of a solid is defined as the
A. mass of the solid compared to the mass of an equal volume of water
B. amount of water displaced when a unit mass of the solid is immersed in it
C. volume per unit mass of the solid
D. mass per unit volume of the solid.

3. A few grains of table salt were put in a cup of cold water kept at a constant temperature and left undisturbed. Eventually, all the water tasted salty, this action is due to
A. convection
B. osmosis
C. capillarity
D. Diffusion.

4. The heat from the sun reaches the earth by the process of
A. insulation
B. conduction
C. convection
D. radiation.

5. Two lamps rated 40w and 220v each are connected in series. The total power dissipated in both lamps is;
A. 10w
B. 20w
C. 40w
D. 80w.

6. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body is:
A. thermal energy
B. thermal conduction
C. specific heat capacity
D. thermal capacity.

7. If PHCN charges N5 per KWh, what is the cost of operating for 24 hours a lamp requiring 1 A on a 200v line?
A. N24
B. N32
C. N55
D. N40.

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NSN Team.

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