The Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 12, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.’”

That’s what the bible says and expects us to do right? On a contrary, it seems that the Big brother Naija season 6 housemates are not govern by this rules.
The Episode 4 of the mouthwatering show had everything the fans wanted: tragedy, comedy, twist, turns, fights, smile, a bittersweet experience after all.
Once again, Boma turned the show on its head. The Blacklist star made sure that he blacklisted everyone who deserve vengeance. At the end of the day, “breakfast” was served to everyone.
One unique feature of this season’s reunion is that everybody is involve in the dragging; the storyline is intertwined thereby causing some sort of hubris on anybody who heroes that particular episode.
In episode 4, the story the housemates continue to drag and. All out themselves. Boma, Maria, and Beatrice, the major characters of this episode.
To break down the events, we’ve decided to pair these names accordingly:
A. Beatrice vs. Boma
The scene between Boma and Beatrice turned out to be exactly what the fans anticipated.
Beatrice reacted to Boma’s claim that she is “irritating” during their time in the house.
Hitting back, Beatrice criticised Boma’s arrogant and selfish behaviour while in the house. Boma in response refer to Beatrice as a ‘local.’
Although some section of the fans got disappointed in Beatrice for shouting, some felt Beatrice bossed the show.
B. Queen vs. Boma
Boma was again up and running, maintaining her position as the show’s atagonist.
He rebuked Queen for not defending him in front of Tega thereby triggering the Tega’s privacy saga..
The actor also fired a shot at Cubana chief priest, a popular bar man, for dragging and insulting him over the rumor, claiming that his life is no man’s business.
_____With BBNAIJA every show gets to its climax; every episode is spot on; every personality lives in the spotlight.
Watch this space for all of these and more as we await another mouthwatering show.