The Level Up Housemates entered the Arena for the Wager Task to begin Friday night in Biggie’s House. The Level 2 Housemates triumphed in the Task, which required the Housemates to design clothing inspired by Generation Z.
Each Level had something to say about the victory after they were named as the winners, and they naturally rejoiced before retiring to their houses.
The Level 1 Housemates were particularly sure that Biggie gave the victory to the Level 2 Housemates since they had already lost a disproportionate number of challenges. The HoH Adekunle added in his statement that his fellow housemates should feel sorry for the Level 2 Housemates because if they had won again, it would have made them depressed. Sheggz and Giddyfia agreed with Adekunle that they would have become depressed if they had not succeeded in winning anything.
They appeared to be making an effort in each of these to console themselves after losing the Wager Task this week.
Level 2
Before discussing their victory at the dinner table, the Level 2 Housemates hurried to the kitchen to get some food. A model who on the runway forgot her line expressed her sorrow and wished it hadn’t happened. She responded that she was angry with herself when Kess questioned her about why she made the error, which was so evident. Then Groovy gave her some advice: don’t make faults obvious. He gave a specific instance in which he admitted that he had introduced the Level 2 Housemates incorrectly during the Wager Task.
Similar to their Level 1 Housemates, they too donned their critic hats and complained that the other Level consistently overdid things throughout their presentations. Additionally, according to Groovy, they lacked teamwork and were independent. Adekunle and his colleagues decided to let them speak first because Khalid also criticised them, stating they lacked confidence.
It’s amusing how the same mistakes are mentioned by both Levels. We are eager to see the dynamics in next Tasks.