ASCOEA Mid-Semester Break Details for Staff and Students

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ASCOEA Mid-Semester Break Details for Staff and Students

Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare (ASCOEA) wishes to inform the entire staffs and students of the its mid-semester break commencing from Saturday, 15th April, 2023 through Wednesday, 26th April, 2023. Essential service staffs such as clinic workers and securities are exempted from the break.

ASCOEA Mid Semester Break

The management of the Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare (ASCOEA) has announced the commencement of the institution mid-semester break starting from Saturday, 15th April, 2023 through Wednesday, 26th April, 2023. The institution authorities stated that the aim for the break is to provide students and staffs sometime to rest, regain and be ready to continue their academic activities with much energy as they return.

During this period, regular college activities will be suspended. However, staff members who provide essential services will continue to work throughout the break. These essential services include security, bursary, animal herders, gardeners, borehole operators, and clinic staff. These dedicated staff members ensure the smooth functioning of the college, even during breaks.

Students and non-essential staff members are encouraged to take advantage of this break to relax, engage in personal development activities, or catch up on their studies.

The college administration would like to remind everyone that work will resume on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023. Students and staff are expected to return to their regular schedules on this day, prepared to continue their academic and professional endeavours.

In conclusion, Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare, wishes all staff and students a restful and enjoyable mid-semester break. The college looks forward to welcoming everyone back on April 26th, ready to face the remainder of the semester with renewed energy and focus.

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