Lagos State School of Nursing Igando Past Questions & Answers
You need the previous Lagos State School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers to help you achieve a good score in the 2023 Lagos State School of Entrance Examination.
One of the benefits of Past Questions is that they help you know what to study rather than toiling and rolling around looking for what to study. Truth is that the Lagos State School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers will help you in this year’s examination; all you have to do is engage with the previous Lagos State School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers, study them earlier before the exam date approaches.
It has been reported that the entrance examination for the Lagos State School of Nursing Igando is usually difficult, which is why we want you to be well prepared for this examination. All you need to do is purchase this past question and be verified that you are ready, and we have provided a sample below:
Lagos State School of Nursing Igando Past Questions & Answers
Are you about to write the Lagos State School of Nursing Igando entrance examination and you are looking for the past question papers? You are at the right place. We have the past question paper. See sample questions below.
1. In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products occurs in the …..
A. lymph
B. lungs
C. heart
D. liver
2. The part of the stomach nearer the gullet is called the ….
A. epiglottis
B. cardiac sphincter
C. duodenum
D. pyloric sphincter.
3. Trace elements are required by plants mainly for the……
A. formation of pigments and enzymes
B. product of energy and hormones
C. manufacture of carbohydrates
D. manufacture of proteins
4. A food substance was treated with a few drops of Sudan iii solution and a red coloration was obtained. The food contained is …….
A. protein
B. starch
C. fat
D. mineral salt.
5. Oozing out of water from leaves of plants in humid environment is known as …..
A. transpiration
B. osmosis
C. pinocytosis
D. guttation
5. The element that is essential for the coagulation of blood is …….
A. potassium
B. calcium
C. phosphorus
D. iron
6. Anaerobic respiration differs from aerobic respiration by the production of …..
A. less amount of energy and water
B. greater amount of energy and alcohol
C. less amount of energy and alcohol
D. greater amount of energy and water
7. Stomach pores open when there is ………
A. an increase in the sugar content of guard cells
B. a decrease in the osmotic concentration of guard cells
C. a decrease in the sugar content of mesophyll cells
8. The process of deamination is essential for the …….
A. digestion of protein
B. secretion of bile
C. formation of urea
D. formation of antibody
9. A band of connective tissue linking two bones in a joint is known as….
A. tendon
B. cartilage
C. synovial membrane
D. ligament
10. The appendicular skeleton is composed of the pectoral girdle
A. pelvic, fore and hind limbs
B. pelvc, girdle, and forelimbs
C. lumbar vertebrae and pelvic girdle
D. lumber vertebrae, fore, and hind limbs
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